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About Us

Peace of Mind is Our Business

In today’s ever changing environment, it is important for us to provide a safe space for ourselves and our loved ones. This is why AV Safety Tek offers a collection of products that focus on six very vital aspects of personal safety:

  • Self-Defense 
  • Security (both home and personal) 
  • Surveillance 
  • Spy 
  • Safety 
  • Survival

Whether you’re at home; going about your day-to-day activities; enjoying a night out; or traveling abroad, you will want those unique items that will help keep you feeling safe and secure. You can be sure to find them here. 

It is our aim to be a one-stop-spot for all your safety needs, along with some fun stuff too…We have something for everyone!

Thank you for visiting our site…your peace of mind is our business.

Very Best, Albert and Pamela Vega/Owners

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